Largest south american gold mining complexes

Pascua-Lama Chile (Barrick Gold)

- Pascua-Lama gold mine is located in the Frontera district (Central Andes), in the southern reaches of Atacama Desert, straddling the border between Chile and Argentina at an altitude of over 4,500 metres. The project was temporarily suspended in April 2013 due to an objection from a Chilean court on environmental grounds. The estimated gold reserves at Pascua-Lama as of December 2017 stood at 14 Moz, including 1.8 Moz of proven and 12.2 Moz of probable gold reserves.

Pueblo Viejo Dominican Republic (Barrick Gold)

- Pueblo Viejo mine located around 100km(60ml) north-west of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic is one of the largest gold mine in the world. The open pit mine exploits gold resources from two major oxide deposits, namely Monte Negro and Moore, as well as from three other small deposits. Pueblo Viejo was brought into commercial production in January 2013. It produced more than 360,000oz of gold during the first half of 2013. Pueblo Viejo’s contained gold reserve as of July 2018 stood at 7.2 MOZ.

Merian mine Suriname (Operated by Newmont Mining)

- The Merian gold mine (“Merian”) is located approximately 60 km south of Moengo, Suriname, with the nearest permanent settlement, Langa Tabiki, approximately 17 km east of the mine complex. Merian consists of two open pits, a gold ore processing plant, camp accommodations, a power generating facility, and related site infrastructure. The mine’s total proven and probable reserves amount nearly 4,2 Moz (120 tonnes) of gold.
gold deposits peru

Cerro Corona mine Peru (Operated by Gold Fields)

- The complex is located 40 km north of the Yanacocha mine, and 80 km by road north of the departmental capital of Cajamarca in northern Peru. The deposit is hosted by a sub-vertical, cylindrical shaped diorite porphyry (600 700 m in diameter), emplaced in mid-Cretaceous limestone, marls and siliclastic rocks. Cerro Corona has gold reserve of nearly 4 Moz.

Veladero mine complex Argentina

- Valedero is Barrick Gold project, situated in San Juan Province, in the highly prospective Frontera District. The complex is located at elevations of 4,000 to 4,850 meters above sea level, approximately 374 kilometers northwest of the city of San Juan. Veladero is a 50/50 joint venture operation with Shandong Gold Mining. The mine’s total production till end of the 2017 amount of 19.9 tonnes of gold. Valedero indicated reserves of 2.8 million oz of gold.

Penasquinto Mexico

- Wholly owned by Canadian miner Goldcorp, the Peñasquinto mine is located in the State of Zacatecas. It’s the largest open pit mine in Mexico and the fifth largest silver mine in the world. Besides gold and silver, the project, in operation since March 2010, also yields zinc and lead. In 2007, Silver Wheaton entered into an agreement with Goldcorp to buy 25 percent of all silver output for the life of the mine. The mine has estimated reserves of 2.35 (Moz) million oz of gold, calculated in the end of 2017.

Yanacocha Peru (Operated by Newmont Mining)

- At more than 15,000 feet above sea level in Northern Peru, the Yanacocha project sits atop the Andean continental divide. It’s the largest gold mine in Latin America, covering some 535 square miles. Consisting of five open pit mines, it’s been producing gold since August 1993. The mine has proven and probable gold reserves of 2,2 MOZ (62 tonnes).

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